Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Better late than never really isn't a good excuse

Last time I posted the new raised flower and shrub beds were on hold waiting for March to finish doing her thing.  FINALLY top soil, a few plants, mulch, and sod made their way to the backyard.

Left to right, Limelight hydrangea,  a PeeGee hydrangea (paniculatas) that I can't remember the exact name, and a variegated Lacecap hydrangea, and lots of mulch!

Later in the year, a few other plants were added and frankly I will have to move some of the plants in the fall to bring some of the smaller plants forward. Isn't that the life of gardening?  We are never completely satisfied, and a garden always changes.

This is a current view

You can see where the birds have kicked half of the seeds out of the feeder-well I should say the SQUIRRELS-ugh, I really dislike those rodents. There are a few hostas in the front, and lilies on the far right. Recently, a friend gave me some Shasta Daisies that are planted near the bird feeder. I can't wait to see them next summer. They are such a happy flower.

Two of the hydrangeas did not bloom but had good growth. I can only hope for next year that they will produce beautiful blooms like the Limelight did this year. Love a Limelight. They are truly an easy hydrangea. If you are reluctant to garden, this plant is so easy. Be sure to purchase a Proven Winners Limelight. Their name is no joke.  Look at this bloom!

Fall is right around the corner. It is the perfect time to plant bulbs. I hear we are going to have another cold winter so tulips might be in order since they love cooler weather. What are you planting?